Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Sunday night Patrick started running fever

He has been running fever for two days and Dr. Stanley said it is bacterial. We have started a round of medicine and with any luck, the fever will go away and I can make it back to work in the morning. For now, he is fever free and sleeping!
Well, you do not always get what you wish for. It is now Thursday and Patrick has only gotten worse. The fever has stopped but his ears, eyes and nose all have yellow runny stuff. Joel and I took him to the ENT and he gave him a shot of rocephin, cleaned out his nose (it is till bleeding form that) and told us to go to the Pediatrician in the morning. So... Friday I will be off again and back at the Dr.'s office.
Friday we saw Dr. Ricks. He prescribed ear drops for the ever ooozing ears and told us to return if his fever came back.

1 comment:

Jill said...

I will catch up with you tomorrow. I hope Patrick is feeling better.


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