Friday, July 1, 2011

Summer is Here. What Should We Do?

Five weeks into summer I created a list of activities for Morgan. She was acting bored and always asking me to play with her. When I asked her what she wanted to play she mainly responded, “I don’t know.” After walking through her room and looking inside her toy cabinet, I made a list of activities.

Morgan’s Activities

1. Color wonder

2. Barbie girls

3. Moxi girls

4. Guitar

5. Build a bear

6. journal

7. Word search

8. Make bows

9. Draw

10. Paint

11. Watch movies

12. Read

13. Ride bike

14. Coloring books

15. Sidewalk chalk

16. Make magnetic hair bow caps

17. Moon sand

18. Playdough

19. Explorer/make movies, take photos

20. Dress up

21. Barbie style head

22. Wii

23. Miniature Cinderella castle

24. My little pony

25. View finder

26. Operation

27. Stickers

28. Sticky mosaics

29. Pretty pretty princess

30. Bendaroos

31. Alphabet stamps with paint

32. Watch manners DVD

33. Bubble bath with toys

34. Bubbles

35. Chutes and ladders

36. Art projects from activity books

37. Shrinky dinks

38. Littlest pet shop

39. Squinkies

40. Mario trading cards

41. Look at family photo albums

42. Puzzles

43. Dry erase white board

44. Mp3 player

45. Bead jewelry

46. Leap Frog pen books

47. Computer pbs kids, nick jr…..

48. Ipad games

49. Write a story

50. Clean bedroom

This is a photo of her completely full bedroom. There is no room left to add another toy but sometimes she has “NOTHING TO DO.”


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